Tutto bene

By Blackdrake

Daddy's Day

Faster faster! This is the very same whirly thing that I used to play on when I was at school. Almost every time we got in it some horrid boys would come along and make it go so fast you felt your insides were going to becomes outsides...and it has seats you have to sit right in so you can't just jump off...you can tell the experience scarred me can't you!?

However the swings (the same ones) have happier memories, my best friend (then and still) used to swing for hours and sing at the top of our voices...many important issues were discussed on those swings ...like which 5th years boys we liked and how to get into that party we heard about and what to call our band...the nittygritty of teenage life you understand!

Anyway, today was Father's Day and we're not very into that sort of stuff but we went out for lunch and then got ice cream to take to my Dad's. I got my dates mixed up and they are still on holiday, so we went to the park and got silly for a while.

Quiet night, finally finished a shawl I've been knitting for ages and watched France trounce Honduras.

Hope all in blip land had a super weekend.

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