Fathers and Kids

Self to OilMan, "Happy Fathers' Day"
OilMan to self, "Well, I had a little help from The Mother"

One son is in Paris and the other is panning for gold with his family in the Sierra foothills. Dana and family will be here as well as my brother, whose children are scattered around the globe today, for a Fathers' Day dinner of pulled pork sandwiches with coleslaw, potato salad and a pineapple upside down cake.

The preparation of the pulled pork is a meditation of another sort, which involves being in several moments at once.

1. Rub the pork shoulder with spices.

2. Start the fire

3. Drink beer

4. Place pork shoulder on the fire--try to keep the temperature under 300 degrees
(This requires frequent staring into the fire and rearranging of coals while sipping a beer)

5. Watch the US Open golf and the A's baseball game simultaneously.

6. Swab the pork shoulder with "mop sauce"

7. Repeat steps 4-6 for five hours or until the meat can
is falling apart.

8. Drink beer until meat is cool enough to pull apart with fingers.

9. Place meat on soft buns with plenty of cole slaw and enjoy.


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