Because this is who I am

By Brighde


Yes, the most beautiful portrait you have ever seen. I am fully aware.

So, today, you'll all be proud of me. As you know, I'm on a huge diet which means no fun things what so ever. So today I went to keep fit (which is for the over 50s but some how I sweat buckets because it's actually quite hard) this morning then I've been for a very healthy lunch of a plain jacket with chicken and salad. However, this afternoon I did have a solero (4.5 syns) totally worth every lick.

For the rest of today I will be tidying my room (maybe) because it's getting on top of me and there's too many clothes everywhere and such. Plus Josh is coming on thursday, so I guess I have to make it nice for him. Pshh.

Finished the first season of Game of Thrones. I too, wish I was a dragon lady.

Happy Blipping.

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