I wish I'd had more time today to do another epic complicated as hell SP like for my 365th blip, but alas I don't so this will do! Hey, at least my camera worked today!

Thanks everyone who's been keeping up with my blips even though I've been too busy to keep up with everyone else's over the last few weeks - one of my jobs has kind of petered out recently, so I'll probably have time to be here more often soon.

My blips I liked most out of the last 500 days,
Glamour Snail,
Fat seal pup,
an amazing night,
and sugar.

I can hardly believe I've been doing this for 500 days - I am now a different person from who I was when I started blip, and blip has helped a lot to take me where I am now. Yaldi! Looking forward to the next 500!

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