S1 - Another Day

By S1

Crashed out

Today CJ had another rugby tots lesson - the improvement from last week was amazing. He clearly remembered some of the exercises and was a lot better at following what the coach did. And he clearly enjoyed it, so we will definitely continue.

After rugby we headed out of a quick brunch before S2 and CJ dropped me off at the optometrist for an eye check up (I've never had one and though I had better get one). CJ was vey confused as normally when we go in he needs to hand over his glasses but this time they didn't take them. Although I doubted they would find anything, it's always nice to hear the good news that my eyes are perfectly healthy and my slight is normal.

After my appointment we headed home for more DIY and house organisation. We had hoped CJ would sleep, but no. So he helped us with our tasks (meaning a lot less got done than planned).

S2 was heading out to a beer festival so he got ready and had one last cuddle with CJ - who typically chose this moment to fall asleep. He was so out of it, that when we laid him on the couch he stayed in the same, fist-clenched, position as when he was holding onto S2's shirt. Unfortunately, he didn't get to sleep long as we were dropping S2 off, but he did have another little snooze in the car!

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