Scoots, Shoots & Leaves

By TerriG

Flirting with sparrows!

This afternoon I was sitting on the deck taking in all the sights and sounds on this beautiful day. I heard what I was pretty sure was a song sparrow perched in a nearby alder tree, but it sounded a little different than "my" sparrow at home, so I pulled up my handy bird ID app on my iPad and listened to the voices for song sparrow.

Almost immediately this little guy landed on the deck railing and proceeded to dance in front of me (~ 10 feet away). He pranced up and down the railing for quite some time, chirping; then he flew off. I played the sounds again and sure enough, he came back. I felt guilty for being a tease, so I didn't play it again, and he retreated to the alder, singing beautifully again. He'll make a great spouse for a lucky chick.

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