Sennen Cove

It stretches left to right as easily as
west leads to east, the eye easily lost in the alchemic mix of sand, sky and sea.

Life passes down at a million miles an hour and yet here, at Whitesand Bay, tide follows tide and all is well.

I listen to the voice of the ocean, it's rich baritone telling me that I am alive and free. Lost, as I often am, in the whims and cares of my head, my world, I strain hard to hear the truth of his words. Around me the great seas mistress lies easily as her man comes in to her again and again. It is a simple act and I realise in it a simple truth, that our quest for perfection will never be found. Rather the truth of just living is where true joy is at.

My little one runs out to the sea, her excited canter a joy to watch. She is free. May she be so always.


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