BoHingles Blips

By BoHingles

Who you calling.....

Four Eyes?

Still feeling tired.

The past few days I've really got into the story of the West Memphis Three. My subscribers in the US probably know all about it, but to me and probably many of my UK subs is a very fresh finding.

I've watched the film Devil's Knot this week along with the documentary West of Memphis, it is a truly horrific crime but also a fascinating story which is still unfolding after 20 years since the murders took place. I now want to watch the other three documentaries, the Paradise Lost series to see how it unfolded at the time.

I'll be watching more movies tonight on the 8foot, 3D screen at my friends house and no doubt will update you with my film verdicts later.

Maybe this is why I'm not sleeping, I'm watching too many movies that are scaring me?!? This ties me into today's blipfoto which I'm sure a few of you will dislike. This little fella was basking in the sun inches away from the window which was reflecting a nice blue sky. I'm sure he gave me the evil eyes from all four.

Brave enough? Go large.

Thanks for taking the time to look

Mr Bo Hingles

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