
By Omuraudrey


I have probably brought this up before but...
I don't know if it is that my gage of what a lot of litter is has changed or if there really has been an increase of litter in my area lately. Either way, it's a lot and it bothers me.
The only thing I hate more than litter is when people try to hide their litter, that's even worse. If they stick a bottle into a drain pipe or into the depths of bushes they definitely didn't accidentally drop it. They purposefully did it. But if you can't see it, it's not there right? Wrong!
Later today, I was walking through a tunnel near the station and I was shocked at how much trash there was in there. I have a feeling the culprits (most likely high school kids) feel guilty about littering if some one might see them do it, but in the tunnel the chance of someone seeing is slim. It infuriates me.

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