
By todayoutof10

The Good Life...

My daughter's boyfriend's mum has an allotment. I'm already envious... I got a text this afternoon to say a parcel of fresh, home grown veg, had been left at home for me.

I was thrilled to have been gifted three of the biggest courgettes I have ever seen. Boy, did they look healthy.

Teamed with mushrooms and venison sausages, it's the best tea I've had for ages.

It almost feels like the Good Life - except I didn't do the growing... If you're around my age, you'll remember the TV programme, presenting an image of a life lived happily being 'good'. I liked it, but I didn't understand the point. I was only a wee girl.

I wonder - is my life a 'good' life? How would I define good? And what would I change, if I could, to make it better?

Big questions that I ask myself. Often. But do I really listen to my answers...?

On a lighter note - I'm still in the lead in the World Cup League. But I'm not doing well this evening, I feel it's all about to go downhill.

Todayoutof10? A contemplative but tasty 8.9 ❤️

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