By jenaral


I need what? I proceeded to nod- Okay and I need this? and what? What happened to my radiator? Okay- and the wires have melted? Okay, How much is this going to cost? I proceed to tell George "Just fix it, I don't have a choice." Then I sat in the waiting room until George approached me again, and asked, "Is there anywhere we can take you, this is going to be longer than expected, we have some guys searching for parts in the junk yard." I said," School?" George says, "Of course!" and then the next thing I know it, I'm hitching a ride with an employee heading towards school. School was good because I finished coloring my Time Line of Life until I got ambushed by prospective students for next year's program. There was no one in the classroom, so I was the only one there to answer questions. One prospective student decided to stay longer and continue to chat with me, until I finally asked, "Do you have a car here?" She said, yes, so I asked her if she would give me a ride back to the auto place. When I arrived, my car was in pieces- I was beginning to think I might have to spend the night in this place. But George reassured me, told him to give him an hour or two longer, so I ended up convincing some girlfriends to come pick me up and go to happy hour- a couple of beers later, Scarlet was ready, and I was able to drive home. The good news is- I no longer have a curfew because my taillight is no longer broken!

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