Sundog, Dog Days Next

Another day another hospital.

I travelled in an ambulance with my mother to a hospital outpatients' appointment but she was admitted immediately and unexpectedly for minor surgery.

Once I had settled Mother in I had to get back to my car which I had left over an hour away at her care home. I intended to get a taxi but my kind sister wouldn't hear of it and came to collect me. We packed up some things for Mother and I headed back to the hospital.

On the way I saw this spectrum in the sky which is a sundog or parhelion, sometimes called a phantom or mock sun. They're caused by ice crystals interacting with light in the atmosphere. Sometimes one can see sundogs on both sides of the sun giving the impression of three suns.  Three being the Holy Trinity this used to be a sign of good fortune.

As I waited at the lights in Chelmsford a car rolled back and hit mine. I hooted when it started to roll and couldn't believe it when it didn't stop. The poor young girl's clutch had broken and she wasn't in control. I couldn't see any damage to my car and waited in the middle of the road with her until her FIL came to help her. Good fortune favoured me, my car is fine. :)

By the time I got to the hospital it was locked and I had to wait for security to let me in. I got home at 11.00 pm.



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