Off Centre

By RachelCarter

Growth spurt

My "old" veg garden, started 2 years ago when I finished my degree, that I got properly growing in last year - and which turned out to not be big enough for my new hobby/obsession*, is now bursting with broad beans, peas, sweet potatoes, rainbow chard garlic, onions, jerusalem artichokes, carrots, leeks, newly planted squash, frogs, toads, weeds, and jobs. And tomatoes and cucumbers in the greenhouse, and a gooseberry bush and apple trees. Oh, and nasturtiums. Nasturtiums galore!!!
Not much from that part of the garden is ready to harvest yet other than onions, garlic and chard leaves but it's all growing well. Everything is going crazy with the warm weather and long days.
I like having to travel (by foot in 30 seconds) from one growing area to another. It makes me feel all professional.

We had to buy a summer duvet today. It's been really warm and sticky at night. I expect I've broken the weather now.

*If you have Aspergers/Autism you'll understand the obsession/project thing :o)

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