Beach Day

I woke up, drank down my coffee and ate my toast. Then I got changed into my swimsuit and slathered on the sunblock. Today was going to be a beach day.

My husband took the day off and my daughter and granddaughter joined us as well. Once we arrived at the beach I saw that my sister and my niece were also there so we all sat together. My niece brought two friends with her and they were in the ocean jumping waves and trying to body surf so I got my camera out to try and get a good shot. The water was actually too cold for me to go in but kids don't seem to feel the cold.

My granddaughter didn't want any part of going near the water. She watched the waves come in and go out and said she wanted to stay on the sand. By the end of the day she was running after seagulls and was getting a little bit braver but still wouldn't let her feet touch the water.
We had packed lunches and ended staying until 6 p.m. The weather was perfect and it was a relaxing and enjoyable day.

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