
By DWBham

Our digs in Oxford

We're staying at Keble College in Oxford in SEPARATE ROOMS! Paul and I are together. We are separate from Wilson. And everyone gets wi-fi! Everyone is pretty happy with this arrangement.

This afternoon Paul and I walked over to the River Cherwell. What looked like a well marked path (on the map) was actually a private entrance through the Magdalene Grove, part of Magdalene College. No problem--we asked a nice woman to let us through with her key and she did. After walking along the river for a bit and watching people set off on their punting and rowing adventures, we went back to what looked like a well used gate (on the map) and found ourselves back in Magdalene College amidst well dressed students and parents celebrating graduations. We were a bit lost for a time, at least lost in not knowing how to get out, in a situation where being kicked out would have been a favor. All's well that ends well. We're back to Keble and off to a Thai place for dinner.

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