
A couple months ago I blipped about Zentangle, a meditative art form based on repetitive patterns. Lately I've developed a minor obsession with learning this highly addictive discipline. I'm using a book called One Zentangle a Day, which introduces three new patterns in each lesson, and then encourages you to combine them into a drawing. Here I have copied their example since I was having trouble figuring out how to make it all work together. My own combination is on the right, and it doesn't work as well as their finished piece and I'm trying to figure out why. I think it's the light and dark thing, but I'm still puzzling over it. I should add that although the drawings look very intricate, they are surprisingly easy to do. Needless to say there are countless videos and tutorials on line, so you can pretty much fill your day with this stuff. I'm still really new at it, but I'm enjoying it immensely.

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