The trouble started with the damn vacuum cleaner. I asked OilMan if he would help me lift the corner of the couch a little so I could straighten the rug. When the extent of the dog hair, blocks, toy cars, crumbs and some sort of nut under the couch was thus revealed, we decided to move all the furniture (including a cement coffee table) off the rug and vacuum everything. We put the cement coffee table on Ozzie's bed so we could slide it, but without his bed, Ozzie felt he needed to be on the rug….

Then we decided to rearrange the furniture. Nobody ever uses it so we thought if we just shifted it all ninety degrees and opened it up to the kitchen…. For the next two hours it was move the dog, move the rug, move the dog, move the furniture, stand back, realize it doesn't work, move the dog….

We have moved the dog, the cement coffee table the two interlocking parts of the sectional couch, the chair, the little round table and the rectangular end table three times. It looks like we either buy new furniture, or put what we have back the way it was in the first place. But that will have to wait until another day, because the US is playing Portugal. I'm afraid to watch….

I did a quick sketch of Ozzie this morning. He had settled into his bed after our pleasant walk in the Laguna, and before we made him move 56 times….

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