Skip's Blips

By Skip

Classic Car Show

Our community holds four special events during the summer----very well-attended events. People from all over converge on the downtown area for each of them. Tonight was the first, a classic car show, and sure enough, thousands of men, women, and kids came into town to eat, listen to music, ogle the cars, window shop, and wander the streets with their friends. We are fortunate, in that our church is located right in the center of town where these events take place, and a few years ago, we made the decision to open our doors and welcome people to come in and use our bathrooms when needed. (We do the same thing every Saturday morning when the farmer's market is open in the parking lot next to the church.) Tonight 1200 people took us up on our offer. An unbelievable number of "guests" had the opportunity to realize that our congregation is alive, active, and welcoming. I enjoyed my shift as door attendant on this beautiful summer night. It was a lot of fun.

Side note: That's my husband Bob, standing behind the sign unaware that I was taking this picture. He doesn't know that he made Blip today.

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