Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Misty in Roots

A second glorious summer day at Africa Oyé and another great line-up of musical acts.

The 'must see' band of the day for me was Misty in Roots who I first heard back in the late 70s on the John Peel show but had never seen live before. They were brilliant!

Here's lead singer Walford Tyson (aka Poko).

I've got a horrendously busy/stressful week coming up at work after a year of preparation... and I'm rather anxious about the whole thing. As fate would have it, I also have to go for a blood pressure test first thing on Tuesday morning... I predict that the results won't be good!!

I'll blip if I can but I doubt I'll have much chance to take pictures or to catch up with you all for the next few days. I'll miss you! See you on the other side and wish me and my colleagues luck!

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