
By SilverImages

Puss in Barrel

"Ship to shore, do you read me anymore?
This line is bad and fadin'
Ship to shore, answer my call
Send me a signal, a beacon to bring me home"

Chris De Burgh - Ship To Shore
written by Mikis Theodorakis

The old half barrel has lots of daffs and tulips in the Spring, but his nibs sort of takes over and uses it as his personal viewpoint to overlook his territory for the rest of the year [not that he's awake much].

Spent the morning processing a load of shots of the wind turbine from yesterday morning, ready to send off to a Client for possible business use.

Afternoon spent at a meeting of the local group of the Alister Hardy Society. Interesting afternoons discussion before heading off to visit Dad to get the latest on his visits recently.

Evening and settled down after dinner to watch an episode of "Coast" in Australia. Brought back plenty of happy memories of four weeks driving the East Coast from Sydney to Cairns in 1999, when I packed up the day job to become a freelance photographer.

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