
By SilverImages

Mynydd Maen

"But if we are wise
We know that there's
Always tomorrow"
Bill Withers - Lean On Me

Doing a bit of "filing" on the computer today I came across an email I'd sent to myself, with the briefest transcript from a dream I'd had back in January. I'd obviously remembered it some time during the business/working day and put it in an email to myself to ensure it was remembered. In the dream there was beautiful singing, a choir singing "Lean On Me" I love these dreams with music/songs.

On tenterhooks most of the day awaiting results from K2.

A couple of visits to the surgery today, first to make an appointment and then for the actual appointment itself - for Dad. While I was there I took the opportunity of checking if I'm actually registered at the practice - I am. My previous GP died about 17 years ago and I was told my registration had been transferred, but I'd never actually checked.

The plastering of the studio is on-going, and everything is a mess, gypsum plaster everywhere. I'm told it'll be finished tomorrow....

The long awaited call comes late in the afternoon - a first! Brilliant, there'll be celebrations tonight.

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