Journey Through Time

By Sue

Did you know...?

Things I learned today....

American robins will gather mud to line their nests. I've never seen them do that before. I've seen them gather grass and twigs, but I have never seen them with a beak full of mud.

We told the lady at the store where Bill gets some of his bird food, that we'd seen a brown headed cowbird. I had read to Bill out of the bird book that these birds, along with the Bronzed cowbird, will put their eggs in other bird's nests. The lady at the store told us that these birds would follow the buffalo around and they learned who knows how long ago, that it would be best for them to lay an egg in some other bird's nest, since they would not be staying in the area to raise their own young. So, they adapted to their migratory lifestyle at that time by having other birds raise their kids for them. Didn't know that either.

Bill is puttering in the yard and I've been fiddling around on the computer, doing some things for my high school class page. I'm finding death dates for a few classmates that were missing that information. Might as well put my genealogy skills to use, I guess. I've managed to find that info for six or seven people. That makes me feel good to have their information completed.

Tomorrow - back to the garage sale preparations.

See ya later

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