
By carliewired

The Garden That is Gone

Wild daisies have taken over
Weeds have replaced vegetables
Neighbourhood cats linger under shrubs
Keeping track of unwanted visitors
A spade leans idly against the garage wall
With hopes to be useful again one day

~ carliewired

My friend E has made the decision to sell her home. It is more than she can care for on her own. At 82 and using a walker, this home has become too difficult to navigate with several sets of stairs, indoors and outdoors. She re-located to a seniors' facility last summer but must continue to maintain her home until it can be sold. It is always a sad trip to the house as things need to be sorted and cleaned and culled. She surveys her once lovely garden each time and regrets having to leave everything to neglect. I do my little bit by trying to keep the lawn watered and green.

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