A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts

Celebrating 365!

What is blipfoto.com?

A place to journal with words and images

A place to meet and greet others on a regular basis

A place to be inspired, encouraged, and to learn

A place to see bits of other parts of the world daily

And so much more.

Thank you Joe and crew for making it all possible. I've shared my blipfoto cards with many people that I've come in contact with and I've raved about what a fantastic place this is. But very few of them have tried it out. I think it's because it is a special place for people with common interests - either photography or journaling or both. There's value in committing to a daily journal. You get from it only as much as you give, just like life. A special thank you to each contributor and commenter. Every comment is thoughtfully read and your words lift me on days when I need it. Thanks Carol, for telling me about this place a little over a year ago :).

The table is set. Let the celebrating begin!

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