
By WharfedaleBex


I've had a feast of nature today with ladybird lavae fixing themselves to leaves, ladybird eggs, butterflies and moths but this is the little chap to blip.

I thought it was a different breed of spider with a lumpy back until I got my macro lens on it.

I'm guessing this is mummy spider but I haven't done any research as to who does the heavy lifting!

Update: just finished tutoring and doing some research. It is a female wolf spider. The only spider, I think in the world, to carry its young like this... First in a silk sack under its abdomen then as little cling ons which drop off after a week,when they feel braver. There are lots in our garden which isn't surprising if this is anything to go by and I now realise I have seen the silken sacks too.

I'm OK with spiders (just) if I control myself but I've done too much staring and reading now and have gone off my tea! Hope I haven't put you off yours.

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