
Have you ever had 36 tiny balls of fluff jumping up and down on your shoes? Well I hadn't till today and the cuteness factor went r..i..g..h..t ... off the Richter scale when I went down to the beach this morning!

These bouncing, squeaking very cute and tiny little baby eider ducklings, along with their mums came racing forward from the water at a pace, as soon as I'd set foot on the beach in Seahouses. Grey, murky and dismal with drizzle, everything was soaking. Thinking they would be at a fair distance initially, I hot footed it back to the van for a change of lens. I say van here as this is...oh YES it is... a business trip :))

However the ducklings soon lost interest when they discovered my pockets were empty of food. In low tide here there were lots of tiny bits and pieces for them to find but I suppose they have easier pickings with the tourists. I needed to get down and be with them on the floor but with a 5 hour drive I tried to get as low as I could without getting too wet. Wet I got so I said I'd change it the van. 'DON'T stop by any green lights or people crossing the road', were his instructions as we needed to head down south quickly!

Taking my kit off in a van by traffic lights and people crossing the road too, has to be one of my least thrilling experiences :))

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