Happy Roo

By ksfbonkers

We're off!

Well, OK, so I wasn't allowed to join in with the races. My peoples both sneaked out of their work so they could see Joe take part in his school Sports Day. What's more they took me with them as this is a public place where dogs are allowed to go for walks. I really wanted to join in with the action but had to be satisfied with watching followed by a walk afterwards.

Joe did well - his friend had put him forward for the 800m (about 6-700m more than he was wanting to do!). He is the one in the middle wearing red.

There were only 5 or 6 other peoples there other than the school teachers and children. Apparently the school doesn't make a point of advertising the event as they don't want too many folk. What's more my peoples was pounced on by a member of staff when taking her photos. What a shame. It was a lovely colourful and happy day and should have been enjoyed by many more peoples (and their dogs of course!)

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