A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Magic puddle

In the world according to Jackson, at night this innocent looking puddle is the access to "Upside Down Land". Everything is the other way around there. Most specifically, everything good is bad for you and everything bad is good for you. Mainly it seems we would argue over how many apples a day Jackson could have. And we would be walking on the sky on our hands. Fortunately, it was daytime when we passed by as I'm not sure I would have been up to that this morning (any other morning, no problem at all).

As expected, this morning was all a little fuzzy and so a little Chiswick mooch was in order to collect all the ingredients for a restorative roast lunch. That was when we found the magic puddle.

I am delighted to report that yesterday's bookshelf project was successfully completed and I am very happy with the result. Various non-fiction sections and then fiction alphabetised by author. Although it did occur to me part-way through that the system wasn't really very flexible for new purchases so I shall mainly be looking for authors starting with "z" in 2010.

The rest of the day has been a very relaxing and lovely family day - a nice mix of homework, baking, playing and now relaxing with "Monsters vs Aliens" and popcorn. Super slobby Sunday will end with pizza and a telly tea for the kids and an early night for the grown-ups.

Lesley x

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