A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Bliptogether #1 - Me!

This picture represents the following achievements:

1. Taking a blip
2. Taking a bliptogether blip
3. Finding the self-timer mode on my camera
4. Taking a SP

All before 10am. Definitely warrants a cuppa.

Normal sort of a Monday around here of school runs, home-related stuff and playdates. And with a treat to look forward to as tonight I am off to see the play, Enron, in town. I've seen it already but it was so amazing I wanted to go again and I'm taking my co-director with me as there are some ideas I want to flattering make use of for our production

Messed about with the picture as the lighting was dreadful but hopefully this won't stop you from admiring the results of my bookshelf reorganisation started Saturday

and 5. adding links (assuming they've worked)

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