Dublin Shooter

By dublinshooter

Lazy day

Being the second Saturday of the month, it was my turn to host the weekly Music Group get-together. One of the reasons I offered to host according to this regular schedule is that it forces me to tidy and clean the house. Despite knowing full well that I need to get things spick and span for the visitors (numbers vary between as few as three or four up to as many as ten or twelve), I have a terrible tendency to leave preparations until the last minute and end up having to get up ridiculously early on the Saturday morning and just barely have things ready when the gang arrives. Thanks to having has the other gang over for last week's Grand Prix, things were different this time, and I had everything ship-shape in plenty of time.

We retired to the local pub afterwards for the regular 'couple of bevvies' and the post-music chat. One of the guys is really well organised and likes to plan things well in advance. We travel abroad each year to experience the great orchestras and opera houses of Europe. This year's trip was to Budapest back at the beginning of May, and now we actually began planning next year's. Our chief organiser's research at this stage suggests that we'll end up in Zurich next time, again most probably in early May. Discussing it this far in advance is a record as far as I recall. Just as well, I suppose.

I headed over to Carl's place after the drinks session. We had a bite to eat and were joined later by a couple of his neighbours. Another pleasant bit of a session somehow developed out of that. The weather began promisingly enough and stayed dry throughout the day. Storm clouds had developed by evening, though.

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