walking in the city

By inthecity

Sunday afternoon portrait

I'm so lucky. Today the boy in the bulk store let me have both the bottle of milk and the dark chocolate & spice bar, even though I was a few cents shy. And that's on the way home from getting superfresh fruits & veggies, all within a few blocks. Back home now I'm chilling to house music on the internet and watering the plants.

> Trying to set up a little area to do some studio shots, starting with a self-portrait for that fun new bliptogether project. I'm so lucky in this space; the light is great. Looks like I need to clear a bit more to get a good frame, but the house seemed to be posing for a portrait. :)

> later: Yeah, I think is my new little photoshoot area. Thanks to my brother and sister-in-law, who hung these pictures for me last Sunday. That was a gorgeous day too.

I don't expect anyone to recognize what's in those pictures, but if you're interested: they're composite panoramas I shot in July 2004 of East Liberty Street. That was just before the area became the latest CondoLand.

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