
By LightWave

Don't You Dare Eat the Flowers!

I was watching this guy from the bathroom window, making his way closer and closer to my zinnias and lantana. He stopped. He sniffed. He nuzzled a flowerhead. Then went back to the grass and clover. Phew.

We don't usually see deer in the yard in broad daylight like this, otherwise my journal would be full of deer pictures. Typically they move in at twilight. There was one - maybe this one - sitting (sitting!) just off the driveway when we got home from the grocery store last night, so maybe we have a new resident. I notice that one of our hostas has been reduced to a few stalks! (Secret admission - I don't really like hostas. That is sacrilege in these parts. There! I've said it. It feels good.)

The deer are interesting. They disappear for weeks on end, then suddenly they are everywhere. Perhaps they move into town to escape the bloodsuckers in the woods - I won't go into the woods myself right now without long sleeves and pants, tons of DEET, Wellingtons, and face protection (I bought some netting to wear over my hat). So much for the trails I cut in the spring! In fact, I won't even work in the yard without DEET - I'd be eaten alive. So I have some sympathy for the deer. I'm going to treat the flowers to some fresh deer repellent though!

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