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I must confess that this was an OTW shot.
I did get to go out today but The Boss was worried about rain and didn’t feel inclined to test his sling bag so only took his fruitphone which did a grrreat job but didn’t raise his eyes like this morning shot had …The OTW shot….Right
He had gone out early too and came bark 30 minutes later smelling of PI. That’s not apple or Bacon and Egg but PI of Wheaten Terrier and Sister fame and how dare he go round there while I am still eating breakie. Granted it did contain half a banana AND a Denta Stick so it did take about 20.76 nano seconds longer to consume BUT he could have waited. His explanation when he came bark smelling of THAT DOG was weak so I followed him around all morning sniffing his jeans and licking things.
Mutter mutter.
PI by the way is also a K9 doorbell but doesn’t reach the heights that I am world famous for with our “Big Ben” doorbell that originally came from The Boss’s Father and the US of A, probably 70 years ago.
Oh and OTW?
Out The Window….You knew that.

Bigger Look?

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