
By Katy8

Work with it...

I sometimes wonder if we aren't just a tad too demanding...in our expectations....in life in general...but certainly photographically!
It was a lovely calm morning at Avoca Beach for sunrise, and it was a very beautiful morning. I found myself feeling frustrated that the tide was coming in and not running out, frustrated that the sky behind me was lit by the most beautifully pink tinged clouds............why is it that so often we have to wait for all the "stars to be in alignment" before we embark on a particular endeavour? So often I feel like everything has to be managed to the nth degree....maybe it is better to just accept what is right in front of us and work with it. Be grateful. I am again so grateful....
-for the companionship of other photographers I bumped into this morning
-for the lovely old guys that came up to chat and offered me a sip of their coffee
-for the gorgeous pelican that swam right up to me at one point then played shooting ducks swimming back and forth in my shot and made me laugh out loud
-for a day that can start with such beauty and serenity
-for my Dad telling me this morning he is SO proud of me.....

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