
By CoffeePotter

The Great Escape

Today we visited the majestic Goodrich Castle which stands on a wooded hill and overlooks the River Wye

The castle was begun in the 11th century but the main parts were built in the 12th century. This is Nikonabike making his way back out of the dungeon, along with Ziggy and Hector who look very tiny as they are on the next step down. I overheard one middle-aged chap say after exiting the dungeon "It was very dark in there and I was quite scared." Hmmmm......

After the castle we then drove the short distance to Monmouth and had a look around the old town which was very pretty and extremely busy.

We ate our lunch at the Nagshead RSPB reserve in the forest. We did go into a couple of hides, but didn't see anything except a Bill Oddie looky-likey, who didn't seem too chuffed to see us along with the Bedlams (sorry Bedlingtons) and we decided it was time for a sharp exit.

BBQ time now. Or probably yesterday by the time you read this as we've had great internet and phone connection problems here.

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