Tame baby mags....

I love this little Magpie baby. I've known this one, and its two siblings, ever since mama and papa magpie brought them into my garden as tiny little babies.

As the ways of nature take place, baby mags won't be here for much longer. Papa Magpie is attacking the babies now when he sees them in the garden, a rather unpleasant ritual which I have seen in previous years.

Magpies, being territorial, send their offspring away when they are old enough to fend for themselves, to find their own personal territory and begin their own little family.

Tame baby mags, as I call this one, comes straight up to me when it sees me, even taking food from my hand.

I've read that magpies will always remember and recognise a human friend, so I do hope that baby mags will remember me if it ever has occasion to return.

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