My Aim is True


One less for the blipbank

Occasionally I pass a shop; The Archangel Michael Healing Centre. They advertise the following; angel oils, singing bowls, archangel sprays, oracle cards.(aye, you couldnae make it up) And several other things. Sadly, I must now refer to this place in the past tense. It would appear that Michael has flown off to be with the other angels, this shop has ceased, expired, it is an ex-shop. And I never got round to blipping it! Now that I have checked out the list of their goods and services I am really gutted. A singing bowl......I'd pay good money for a singing bowl. In fact, I long for a singing bowl, imagine.....

Scene; MAiT's house, 8am. Tune of Bohemian Rhapsody. " Here's is your porridge, right here in front of you, here is your porridge, right here in front of you. PINHEAD! You must eat it all. PINHEAD! You must eat it all"

I am assuming that the recession is meaning that people are being more sensible about spending their money, and as such this sort of nonsense is going under. I am sure all those middle aged women (sorry, girls, but it's yoos that are most likely to spend your money on this nonsense; angels, reiki, aromatherapy, ear candles....) can now spend their money on better things, or better still save their money*.

And supposedly this is Blue Monday......or is it? Yup it's yet more bluddy nonsense.....

This blip has nothing to do with anything really. Earlier I saw a woman with one of those small yappy type dogs that look like a rat (in fact I actually thought it was a rat) but I just missed blipping her. damn, damn, damn. Later on, we were settling an argument about where somthing was in the city, and I pulled out the first map I found. The cycle map. The red lines are cobbled street. The map is in very good nick considering its age. So I've either looked after it very carefully, or not done very much cycling recently. I suspect the latter.

* or they could give their money to the Haiti appeal (Dawkins is paying the costs incurred so 100% of your donation will go to the appeal)

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