
By middaypyjamas

Red Stripe

I went for another evening walk tonight, which is where I was able to acquire this lovely shot. I’ve found myself enjoying these walks more and more, which probably explains why I face the ever increasing and bracing cold to do so. With the right music playing and the dark encroaching there is something exceedingly peaceful about it. With few people around it becomes a frozen moment that seems to almost last longer than it should, like everything else has stopped and I just get to look around and enjoy it for a minute. It also helps clear my head. This seems almost contradictory as, during the walk, all I’m really doing is thinking, but it’s a different kind of thinking to the kind I experience throughout the day. One without the the usual pressures I put on myself, where I’m not thinking about what I should be doing, what I will do next, or what else I still have to do.

As you can tell I had a lot of that kind of thinking today. I didn’t have to work and so spent the day mostly indoors doing all my various things. This over thought process was increased due to not having anyone else in the house with me. In fact I realised during the walk that I hadn’t actually spoken to anyone, or probably at all, all day. I still haven’t. Isn’t that a slightly weird sort of existence, even just for a day. No doubt it won’t last longer than the just one day as my roommate will likely be home tomorrow, but still, when was the last time you think you went through a whole day without speaking?

Funny ol’ life.

- Damian

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