
By SilverImages


“Whether I shall turn out to be the hero of my own life, or whether that station will be held by anybody else, these pages must show.”
Charles Dickens, David Copperfield

Slow start after a busy day yesterday bringing everything back from Warwick. Shopping to get some "necessities" [already in the cupboard if I'd bothered to look before going out].

Visit to Cardiff to the Apple store, K2 has problem with the laptop charger for her MacBook. Busier than we thought when we arrive, queue for parking so head for Capitol Centre and walk to St Davids 2. Eating places too busy, mostly queuing for places so we head across to the arcades in search of a café.

Into the Royal Arcade and K2 stops momentarily outside a deli window, then I notice a sign for Wally's Kaffeehaus - lovely little eating place upstairs. Excellent lunch with European/German flavour and we took our time, didn't feel rushed. Long, leisurely late lunch and when we eventually left we headed back in to the centre to the Apple store. Ever helpful staff assessed the problem very quickly, disappeared for a couple of minutes and reappeared with a replacement charger, no charge, and we were on our way.

Stopped off for the obligatory visit to Jessops and came away with an Eos 6D, ready for a commission in August.

Evening spent watching "The Invisible Woman" with an Indian takeaway, bliss.

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