The Big Lebowski

I feel I haven’t done too well with the movie challenge this month. I submitted movies in the wrong order and even added my own choice of movies not on the list. I was determined I would at least do the last movie of the month properly.

But I haven’t seen The Big Lebowski, I’ve barely even heard of it. When I Google it I find it’s about bowling. Well sort of about bowling and kidnap and double crossing and almost every line has a swear word in it so I can’t even give you a quote. I decide to go for the bowling angle even though I’ve only been bowling once in my life and that was a very long time ago and I remember not being very good at it. Not looking good for me getting this right so far is it?

I make Igor come with me to the “Hollywood Bowl” which is next to the cinema in Central MK. It’s obviously a night time place. It’s bright and brash and full of screens with moving images on them. It looks like a young person’s place but when I look closely at the people playing they’re pensioners. So although it probably is a young person’s place at night, during the day it belongs to us, people who don’t have to work any more, people who’ve done their time in the workplace and are now free to do whatever they like while the young ones toil away (it will be their turn one day)!!

Next time we’re stuck for something to do on a rainy afternoon I’ll turn to Igor and say “F*** it, let’s go bowling!!”

Note: the F-word or a variation of it is used 292 times in this film!!!!

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