
By cracker


I had my first shift at the new fire station today. We had no calls but I loved that I only had to travel for an hour to get there!

When I got home tonight I was greeted by Spencer looking very cute, there is nothing better than coming home to my beautiful boy looking so excited, he was doing a little dance that involved going on his tippy toes then doing a jump at the end, complete with him saying 'tippy toes' and 'jump' as was doing those things!

He is 22 months now and we have just introduced his 'special pillow' and 'special blanket' into his cot. He sleeps in a sleeping bag because he moves around in his cot so much and is always out from under his blanket. We are hoping that by giving him a pillow and doona he will use them and not move around so much. It's all preparation for him moving to a 'big bed'!

I was home in time tonight to give Spencer his bath. He decided he needed his skittles in the bath with him. This was after finding one and then saying 'skittle, where are you' when he couldn't find the other one!

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