Walking in the fields !

Hello my lovely blip friends! I was very surprised yesterday with so many comments and stars and hearts on my 500th blipday. I am very thankful and appreciate so much such kind words and support from all of you.
Thanks as well for understanding my humour and enjoying it. The life without humour and laughing doesn't make much sense I think.
I am very happy to be in this amazing community and I feel very loved here from many good people with big hearts. Thanks to you I am still here.
Sorry for my boring comments to you. I would like to write better and say many things but sometimes it is very difficult for me you know it. Still I am around looking for your pictures and I enjoy it. Forgive me if I don't read your all stories or I don't comment about them. I don't always understand what you are speaking about and sometimes I am very tired to make a comment. You are so many fans haha ! I am very happy but I can please to everybody. I which believe me ! I will try to write the comments better. I will need a secretary if have to comment to all my fans every day and I have others things to do as well. I know you understand me.
Sometimes one picture say more than thousand words . I don't always give stars to the best pictures I give stars to those who make me smile or make me feel something. Not always the best picture or quality is the best or the most original. Some people even don't have a good camera and take a picture with the mobile. That is not the best but can be the most popular or funny or interesting, original, unusual, terrific, strange etc .That is my opinion.
Today I went for a walk with my art teacher and friend Heath and her dog Millie. We had a nice walk in the middle of the fields . I carried my little camera because the big one is too heavy for me to walk a lot. I couldn't take nice pictures but I want to show you the fields. I got Heath on the left and Millie on the path in front. maybe you can see better in large.
Probably I go to blip often the dog because I go to walk with her sometimes. She is a lovely friendly dog and obedient and I love her. When I arrived to the art class always se is the first to say hello to me . She came to the door and kissed me and loved me so much.
I love to walk and she as well so because the owner is so busy with the painting and classes I offer to her to go for a walk with Millie. She is very happy and me too.
Have a good day my friends and keep smiling. It is free and healthy haha! The life is easy if you lAugh every day so try it.

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