
By scribbler

Eka Pada Utkatasana

Figure Four pose at the Grand Central Bakery.

The bakery is next door to the hot yoga studio. Was this guy in the wrong place?

I was reading my novel on my iPhone (heh heh) when out of the corner of my eye I spotted him balanced on one leg. He was in this pose for quite some time, but by the time I switched my phone from novel to camera he had begun to rise.



I know I will receive many complaints and expressions of skepticism about this announcement, but I have to tell you that this week, in multiple places on different varieties of trees, I saw EARLY SIGNS OF AUTUMN.

At least this year you can't tell me, "No, no, those leaves were fading due to heat stress" because there hasn't been any heat! That's about to change. Tomorrow will be close to 100ºF — way too hot for me, and the trees won't like it either.

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