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After a little too much whisky last night, today has been a slow one for sure. Mr Barking went off to work and I stayed in bed for a while longer.

It's been a grey old day and Cousteau and I have been out for a couple of little walks. We're now waiting for hubby to let us know he's on his way home and we'll jog down to the gate to meet him. It's only 500 metres, but feels longer when I run it! I'm so unfit.

Whilst poking around outside to find a blip, I spotted this little 'face' peeking out at me on a broken log. I saw it as a little lamb's face, but everyone will interpret it in his or her own way.

Today is the first day of our 'Healthy July'. Hubby and I are going to do more exercise and eat and drink more healthily for a month. We'll see how we go!

My blender (given to me by UW for our wedding pressie) decided to just stop working today too, which is a bummer as I really enjoy my fruit smoothies of a morning. It's only two months' old, so shouldn't be broken. I've emailed the place it came from and will get Mr Barking to look at it when he gets home in case I'm missing something obvious.

Night all.


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