Garden Party

No, not that one (although she did get a beautiful day for it).

Today I was OFF, some TOIL. And what a day to choose. The sun split the sky all day. I did some tidying and some ironing and then I finished painting the summer house which involved moving stuff round the back and side and getting quite a bit of Cuprinol on me.

I had a wee rest, while neighbour over the back cut her hedge and then painted the metal work black. Is that door furniture on a summer house. Next it was on to the side gate, also to be painted balck. Quite a bit of black on me and the ground.

Lunchtime and Skype rendezvous with the KL2. They'd taken 2 hours to get home because of the Ramadan traffic. I got a really good view of #1 son's forearm as a he lay on the couch. They are hot (40 deg) and sweaty. But the good news, all well with bump. 32 weeks now, weighs 2 kg with a large head and thankfully has turned into the delivery position. They are now on fortnightly check ups and scans. #1 son reckons they are being fleeced as every visit and scan has to be paid for - he could be right. It was good to have a chat though.

And the sun kept shining. #2 son came home and lay on the grass watching the football/tennis - poor Switzerland. And I did some sewing with a glass or two of sauv. Neighbours were having garden parties and BBQs. We had baked chicken and salad. It was fine. Spoke to the Manor. They are off at 6.30 tomorrow for France. Hope all goes well.

Went round to see E, back from her travels. The sun has boosted my tan but I can't get the black off. Mmm.

#3 son is back from his travels too and we're going to have a full house the next few days.

I do love a Scottish summer and my lovely garden.

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