Art Beauty and Love

Art, Beauty and Love,
Of these three graces combined,
The greatest is love.

.... a day in London meeting up with my lovely daughter Tash and her boyfriend Adam. After a longish lunch we went to the Matisse exhibition at Tate Modern. What can I say ... if you get the opportunity to go ... go!

The Art, Beauty and Love refers to both Tash, because she is a graphic artist, beautiful and I love her ... and Matisse. What was striking about the exhibition is the creative exuberance he showed to the very end... a true love of colour and form which found expression by whatever means he could use. Clearly this came from the heart and transmits itself to us even if we don't realise how or why.

While I was waiting for the others I undertook a mini project photographing people walking by ... I called it "The Feets of London"

You can see Tashas work here.

...... blipping this a few days late ... don't seem to be able to keep up at the moment ..

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