Mr. & Mrs. #2

No, not the newly weds again, but the pair of cardinals who have been hanging around the house, much to my delight! Often I can hear them calling, but I can't always see them, & never have I seen them both so close together like they are here! I looked out the window, & there they were, perched on the top of the birdfeeder, which had no seeds! Yesterday while I was at work, Tom washed it out really well, as the bottom of it had a lot of soggy, mushy seeds due to all the rain. He told me when I got home that he'd done that, & I was on my way out to fill it when my sister called. One thing led to another & I totally forgot about filling it! The cardinals flew to the ground & were looking for seeds, so I ran for the camera. It's not the best shot, & I had to crop it just a bit, but it was special to see them together! Better in Large:)

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