From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Well, that's summer over!

I had a good idea last night and thought I'd set my clock for 4:30am, get up early and walk down to Greenan Castle to catch a sunrise.

What actually happened was that a loud noise woke me at 3:15, I was too scared to go upstairs to investigate - I'm a bit chicken like that - I switched off my alarm as there was no way I would fall asleep in that wound up state and then awoke with a jump at 6:15! I had the quickest shower ever and was still logged at 6:40 eating sugar puffs at the same time. The loud bang, I discovered when I stood on it, was a framed picture of me from when I was 18 which had fallen off the wall! It was hideous anyway. I shoved it the back of a cupboard and will not be mentioning it. Don't you just love days that start like that?

It was a quieter day workwise anyway after a very hectic start to the week. At least the sun wasn't shining through the window tormenting me today. It's just been downright dreary. Also, I ate too much. Grey days do that to me. Maybe it's depression or, I am turning into a pigeon and am storing up food in case of future famine. At least mom had the good sense to disappear out for most of the afternoon, mainly because I refused to accompany her to Morrisons after I had logged off. The one thing I cannot bear is grocery shopping, especially when all we needed was dratted milk! I knew she wanted bread too but watching mom virtually climb up to reach to the very back of the shelves trying to find that elusive freshest loaf with the latest 'use by' date was just too much to stand. She'd have squeezed the life out of everything and I'd be the one with the red face walking out while the shop staff all glared. Horrors!

By the time she returned with her trophy loaf and milk, I had the dinner ready (bangers and mash) and Andy Murray had been dumped out of Wimbledon. I'm no tennis fan either so I'll shed no tears there. At least the men don't sound like they are giving birth every time they hit the ball....

That's it! I have rambled this long with no picture! Whatever you are looking at now is whatever I found after I wandered out into a grey evening so I will possibly surprise myself!

Track? I feel like a Rolling Stones track tonight - Gimme Shelter

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