From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Dunure Harbour / The liberating feeling!

No, I haven't burned my bra! Being a scrawny sort, I wouldn't gain much benefit from that and would probably burn the house down at the same time. Spending the night under the stars is not the kind of liberation I was after.

Yesterday, a friend stated in her blip that she'd given up Twitter after six years of sending messages in 140 characters (or less). I do tweet occasionally but these days it's mostly to send pictures of pints of beer to other Twitter friends who like real ales. NB. You'd never catch me sending a picture of a pint of lager to someone! I mainly took up Twitter to teach me to be concise. To cut a long story short, nothing has ever stopped me waffling. This may come as a surprise to some of you. Anyway, my friend says that giving up Twitter has been quite liberating. I decided to do something equally liberating and have got rid of the thumbnail thing you see on the right of a Blipfoto entry (if you are using a PC/laptop) whereby you can see what the Blipper blipped a year ago.

I can't obliterate my memories or even pretend my feelings have changed, but there is no need to have that irresistable reminder a simple but painful click away so easily available on that screen.

If there are any long serving inmates on here who want to enable their 'year ago' view I am happy to point the way. Me personally, I'd prefer to have a magic button I could click to get an idea what I'll be doing this time next year, although I might be too scared to look! Imagine me wailing 'Oooo no!! There's nothing there!' a bit like Ebeneezer Scrooge on his night out with the Ghost of Christmas yet to come showing Ebeneezer that there were no mourners at his graveside.

Anyway, enough of me and my fantasies - I persuaded mom to get the 361 to the Dunure Harbour so I could take a picture of the little boats and also have a pint, not for my own enjoyment you understand? It was as a Twitter community service exercise so I could share the picture with the usual suspects.

No Wi-Fi in Dunure so you will just have to imagine my Guinness at the Dunure Inn. Mom came with me.

Go larger and prettier....

Track? There is only one possibility for me and it's one of my favourite number from the Sensational Alex Harvey - Gambling Bar Room Blues

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