From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Time for some wild excitement!

Sorry if I got your hopes up there. Today has been the dreariest day ever and I am really pleased that I went to Dunure yesterday rather than today. I am a fair weather blipper I'm afraid and I haven't been anywhere today (yet). I doubt I'll go anywhere now but you know me, I might get an urge....

It was a quiet day workwise which is quite nice for a Friday I suppose. Mom wandered out mid morning with her birdcage umbrella like a toadstool with legs. She returned a couple of hours later after mass with Yorkie bars from Morrisons for me. I wish I hadn't eaten them all in one go. Three raisin and biscuit Yorkie bars in one go is a bit much. Grey days do that you know? To me, anyway...

The sun has come out - it's 20:40pm - and I have decided to go down to the sea after Masterchef. Posting birds on the nuts outside from earlier in the rain would be most unsatisfactory this Ayrshire week. You'll have had enough of my tits by this time next week.

It was so very worth going out late! Picture taken at about 10:10pm.

Go large....

Track? An old favourite again - Throw Down The Sword

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